Tuesday, December 9, 2014

iOS 8 Users, Magnemaze has arrived!

It is with great pride that I announce that the iOS version of Magnemaze is available for beta testing using Apple's "Test Flight" app. If you have already signed up, your email should be arriving shortly. If not please visit bit.do/mmtest.

Note: Unfortunately, it seems Apple has only made Test Flight compatible with iOS 8 at this time. Although the older iOS devices should work upon launch, beta testing can currently only be done on an iOS 8 device.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

New Magnemaze Beta Update for Android

It's been a while but we've finally prepared an update for the beta version of Magnemaze! Below is the change log. (Don't worry iOS users, yours will be ready shortly)

  • Added 12 new levels featuring new puzzle mechanics
  • Rearranged the order of many of the original 30 levels
  • Perfect score fixes
  • Improved scaling feature for improved resolution on tablets
  • Revamped the save system (it is still compatible with old save data but may take a few extra seconds to load your old data on the first time starting)
  • Added audio panning for those who play with headphones
  • Level select buttons change color when you beat a level and turn gold for levels with a perfect score
  • Added button sound effects
  • Added music
If you're not already a beta tester, please visit bit.do/mmtest and fill out our short sign-up survey.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

obj_char Web Alpha!

Getting sick of waiting for Shower Thoughts to release Magnemaze? Unfortunately, we've been side tracked with another "secret" project which is collaborative and has a more immediate deadline, but for now enjoy the new web alpha of obj_char now playable on the obj_char page of this blog!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Attention iOS Users: pre-order now!

While the iPhone version of Magnemaze is not ready as of this post, it is on its way. So, Shower Thoughts will now be accepting pre-release sign-up requests for those who want to beta test on iOS. To do so, simply go to bit.do/mmtest (mobile enabled) and be the first to know when Magnemaze is ready for you!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Shower Thoughts Now Recruiting: Artist Wanted!

If you or someone you know is talented with digital art, contact us at showerthoughtsdev@gmail.com for an interview opportunity. Currently, some of the graphics in Magnemaze could use a little work. This is a great resume-building opportunity, team working experience, and a fun creative outlet. Shoot us an email or send someone our way if you or a friend may be interested. Furthermore, if an artist shows exemplary abilities and dedication during Magnemaze, they may be asked to return for future projects.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sign up to beta test Maganemaze

As an alternative method of signing up to beta test Magnemaze, you can simply fill out this Google Form and then we'll send you a reply email with an easy to follow instruction guide. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-J957-3r6f7d4mzcl-p0i6kh16cZVFjCktt3pqNz5QQ/viewform

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Magnemaze is ready for you! Go get it!

Firstly, we would like to apologize for the delay in this release.  Unfortunately, we ran into some very minor issues with Google's processing time that were simply not anticipated.  Anyway, without further ado, visit http://magnemaze.blogspot.com/p/download.html for instructions on how to download the beta test!

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Magnemaze Blog

With the Android play test of Magnemaze being released tonight, it has earned its own separate blog!  While major news for the game will still be posted here, more specific and frequent updates can now be found at magnemaze.blogspot.com

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Play Testing

Hey Android users, are you ready to begin play testing Magnemaze? A Magnemaze play test survey will soon be available for those interested. If you would like the ability to play test, sign up for the Mailing List with your gmail and leave a message saying that you're interested.  Or comment on this post.  Do it.  Do something. Magnemaze is coming!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Today was another Screenshot Saturday

With Magnemaze to be released anytime now, here is the latest Screenshot Saturday image! You can see some updated graphics and the new level name feature.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Steam Sales!

Everyone knows that Valve's Steam Summer Sales is the best and cheapest way to play popular games, but it's also a great way to discover Indie games!  Some day we hope obj_char will be among them, but for now try out awesome looking games such as this early access free to play MMO Indie FPS called "Heroes & Generals"!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Screenshot Saturday is back!

After taking a brief reprieve after our special feature menu gif two weeks ago, Screenshot Saturday is back! Check out this new image showing the new level-unlock save feature along with ad-support for the free version!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Magnemaze is now on Facebook

Like the Magnemaze Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/magnemaze or just click on "Facebook (Magnemaze)" in the "Connect" gadget in our sidebar.

Blog Makeover

As you have probably noticed, the blog has undergone some visual changes.  Since these changes will most likely continue, you should check back regularly to see what's new! Also, tell your friends to check it out so that you can all be up to date with the latest Magnemaze and obj_char news.  For example, there are now new screenshots available on the Magnemaze page which includes the first landscape view image we've released.  New images will be added every Saturday and posted on the home page, the game page, and on Twitter.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Screenshot Saturdays

Don't forget to check in regularly to see the newest postings for Screenshot Saturdays! Additionally, if you want to see all of the latest screenshots compiled in one place, click on the tab at the top of the blog of the game you wish to view and scroll to the bottom.  It should be noted that because obj_char is undergoing a graphic reconstruction, there are no obj_char screenshots as of this post.  But feel free to download the demo and check it out and leave your feedback in the survey!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Magnemaze Update

Rumor has it that Shower Thoughts has recommissioned the web HTML5 compatible version  Magnemaze :)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Happy Screenshot Saturday!

Below you can see two screenshots from the new build of Magnemaze for Android.  See lefties, we didn't forget you :)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Magnemaze Title Theme Possibility Sample

Been waiting to see some Magnemaze content? Here's a sample from a possible title track! What do you think? Do you want to see this in the real game? Comment on this post with feedback!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Interesting Test Result

Just tested the Magnemaze prototype on an original Kindle Fire and it worked extremely well, maybe we'll consider putting it on the Amazon Store if possible.

Magnemaze is on the way!

Been wondering what Shower Thoughts has been doing? Well the answer is below!  We've been working on Magnemaze!  These are mostly stand-in graphics but there is a new alpha Android port that is working great with the new mechanics.  The level depicted below is very early in the game, so if you think it looks too easy just wait until you play the full game to get a sense of the true Magnemaze experience.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Magnemaze Update!

In case you were unsure, the reason we haven't been posting for so long is because we've been hard at setting our two major projects in motion: Magnemaze and obj_char! After releasing demo v0.08 of obj_char, we began shifting our efforts back to Magnemaze so that everyone can begin playing Magnemaze while they wait for the next build of obj_char, which will feature redesigned graphics.  Also, there is no definite decision yet, but iOS users may not have to wait as long as we initially thought.  Below is a screenshot of a randomly generated test level of Magnemaze taken by a Motorola Droid 4:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

obj_char Demo Version 0.08

The new build of the obj_char demo is now available on the obj_char page of this blog for download!  This is most likely going to be the last build released before the graphics are redone.  In other words, this will probably be the public build for at least a couple weeks, if not longer.  But it also means that awesome new graphics are on the way! Below is the changelog for Version 0.08, please contact us if you find any collision bugs still!  Keep filling out the survey, subscribe to the mailing list, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and thanks for your continuous support!
Version 0.08 Changelog

  • Added an automatic Shower Thoughts splash at startup
  • Added an exit button to the title screen
  • Changed the instructions displayed on the title screen
  • New in-game pause menu
  • Pausing the game now pauses the music as well
  • Collision bug fixes

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Minor Bug Fix

It turns out that in the build released early this morning (version 0.07), there was a minor compile time bug where the boss music was not playing correctly.  Thus, we have now updated the download link to version 0.07.1 which has fixed the problem.  Feel free to delete the old build and use this one seeing as it's otherwise identical apart from the version name modification and the music fix. Click the "obj_char" tab at the top of the page to get to the download link.

obj_char Beta Demo Update

We just released a new update for the obj_char beta demo.  The changes are listed below. As always, please feel free to give feedback via the survey, subscribe to the mailing list, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.
Version 0.07

  • minor bug fixes
  • added left click to advance text
  • added right click to jump
  • minor physics adjustments
  • slight level design changes
  • modified level music
  • added music toggle button- M (keyboard)

Friday, May 2, 2014

obj_char Play Test: Tonight!

If you're a Stevens student or friends with one, be sure to come to the C2GS Epic Lan tonight at 9:00 pm where we'll have obj_char laptops set up for play testing.  Why not just download it and play it in your room? Because tonight we will be specifically testing different music samples that could possibly appear in the next build of the game! Currently, we have three new tracks competing to be the main track of the next build plus one new challenger to replace the old boss track.  Come tonight to help decide! Lastly, come tonight and be the first to play the new build which features a number of bug fixes, minor game adjustments, AND more comfortable keyboard controls.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Facebook Page

obj_char now has its own Facebook page to help spread public support! Like us at https://www.facebook.com/objchar!!

Survey Update

For those who may have already viewed and/or filled out the survey, thank you. For those who have not, we encourage you to please give any feedback you can so we can make obj_char an awesome experience for everybody. On that note, we have added an option to the survey where those who are interested can give us their email address (it will be kept totally private within Shower Thoughts) so they can receive email updates from us on our progress. Similarly, feel free to sign up using the new left sidebar feature!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Don't Forget to Fill Out the Survey!

While Shower Thoughts continues to clean up the demo so we can release an update as soon as possible, we'd like to remind everyone to please fill out the survey which can be accessed here or on the obj_char page. All feedback is greatly appreciated!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Click on the obj_char tab at the top of this page and click the download link!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


While Shower Thoughts is hard at work trying to make our beta demo of obj_char an awesome playing experience for everyone, there are two major dates approaching you're going to want to keep in mind:

  • Sunday April 27, 2014
    • obj_char screenshots and info will be posted to the obj_char page on this blog
    • a debugged version of the aforementioned exclusive beta demo of obj_char will be AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ON THIS BLOG
  • Saturday May 3, 2014
    • obj_char will be present and available for exclusive play testing at the Stevens C2GS epic lan in BC122
As always, don't forget to show your support by following and retweeting us on Twitter @Shower_Dev.  Check frequently for the exciting news regarding the new and entirely redone Magnemaze to come!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Interested in how to support? Have useful feedback?

With the upcoming April 27th demo fast approaching, it's time for Shower Thoughts to start spreading the word so that as many people as possible can catch a glimpse of the future of obj_char in this remastered demo. If you've seen it at a previous showcase, you'll definitely be impressed by what we've changed just since Tuesday's build. With tighter turn controls, a ton of bug fixes, a new set of more intuitive demo levels, and demo music, the first publicly downloadable demo is going to be just a small taste of what obj_char will someday be. So, let's address the title:

  • How to support:
    • follow us on Twitter @Shower_Dev
    • retweet and favorite us
    • check this blog regularly
    • gossip about us on the internet
    • tell your friends to do the same
    • give us feedback
  • How to give feedback:
    • if you click on the title of any post, you can leave a comment for us to see and respond to
    • fill out our sidebar polls
    • leave a comment with your email requesting our email for more personalized contact

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Upcoming Projects

Shower Thoughts Development has decided that we will be continuing work on our new puzzle platformer "obj_char" (to be released first for Windows) simultaneously with our mobile physics puzzle game "Magnemaze" to be featured on Android. Furthermore, updates will be regularly provided on the Twitter handle @Shower_Dev. Lastly, Shower Thoughts has set April 27th as the tentative date for the first public release of an early beta demo for "obj_char", which will immediately follow the public play test the night before.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Live GameJam, Final Entry.

Well, obj_char won the game jam. It was a lot of fun to make this demo and we're very excited to be continuing work on the project. But for now, we're gonna fix one minor bug and then take the night off. We'll be posting the demo soon so check back for more details!

Live GameJam, Entry 9!

https://twitter.com/Shower_Dev/status/454697458803937280 Not much else to say, we're close.

Live GameJam, Entry 8!

The demo for the game is very very close to done. Some polishing is still occurring, some last minute touches and some numerical tweeks, but otherwise we can see the home stretch of this week long jam and it's looking awesome!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Live GameJam, Entry 7!

In the home stretch! We setup a new Twitter feed to share Shower Thoughts news, such as the showcase we're doing Sunday! Follow @Shower_Dev on Twitter

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Live GameJam, Entry 6!

We have chosen a name!

Live GameJam, Entry 5!

Most of the basic Mechanics of the game seem to be up and running. A minor bug is currently being dealt with. The next steps are to start developing some playable and coherent levels as well as NAME THE GAME! Who would have guessed that of everything to cause problems picking a name would be one of them?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Live GameJam, Entry 4!

Much progress! Much Physics! Much headaches! Much Awesome! Play Tests to come.

Live GameJam, Entry 3!

Basic graphics up and running, basic physics up and running.  Currently considering adding basic textures.  Progress progress progress.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Live GameJam, Entry 2!

So after struggling to create a world for a game based on the theme "fear", we have finally created our basis.  When a beta hero character becomes self aware and realizes the world around him is being updated to the next version, he's afraid he's going to be next to be replaced.  To prevent this, the player must maneuver their way through the game and destroy the world of the game so that the developers have to worry about fixing their original game before they can consider replacing their beta hero.

Live From the Game Jam, Entry 1

Hello!  Shower Thoughts is very excited to represented in SGDC's 2014 Spring GameWeek!  Over the next week, competitors will be working tirelessly to create games totally from scratch based on the recently unveiled theme: fear.  Feel free to follow the team's progress here!  If all is going well, the game may even be downloadable for live play tests throughout the week! Ready, set, code!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Magnemaze Takes the Lead!

Shower Thoughts Development has been working diligently on the new Android version of Magnemaze.  Currently, it is the primary project of Shower Thoughts and all other projects have been suspended indefinitely.  While you will have to wait to play it in order to see the amazing new reconstruction, we promise that, for those who played the original build, you will be blown away by tons of new graphics, mechanics, and features.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Major Updates

Shower Thoughts Development is happy to make the following announcements:

  • Dream Sequence will most likely not be worked on any further other than for private entertainment
  • Dream Sequence co-creator Brian Intile has joined Shower Thoughts Development
  • The flash version of Magnemaze is being discontinued due to lack of interest
  • Work on the Android version of Magnemaze has been started
  • The new and reinvented Magnemaze will feature several new components never seen before
  • Currently, the "look" of Magnemaze is being entirely redesigned and it is awesome  
  • Shower Thoughts Development has designed a prototype logo
  • See our new poll on the right sidebar to vote on your favorite engine

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Interesting Dilemma

So the plan for quite some time has been to release a flash version of Magnemaze and then develop it for Android.  It seems there is a growing demand by people interested in the game to get it on their phone sooner.  Because of this, we are considering using Unity to develop the game for Android rather than waiting until after the flash version is completed.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Announcement 1: Over this past weekend, a co-founder of Shower Thoughts Development along with a guest teammate entered the Games++ 2014 game jam. After a 10 hour competition but only around 6 logistic hours of work, the two person team produced the first functional version of "Dream Sequence". Although it is not official yet, the team has been considering continuing progress on the game under the name of Shower Thoughts! If both team members agree to continue, or even if they both at least agree to pass the game on to Shower Thoughts, then we will be taking control of the game. Starting with a handful of bug fixes, then graphic enhancements, and eventually more tiers of levels (the game operates like a flow chart map, very cool!).

 Announcement 2: Shower Thoughts Development would like to host a live youtube game jam! The way it would work is a day would be set aside where in the morning we would start streaming our team live on youtube. We would then use a random word generator to get a suggestion and make a game based on that suggestion. The cool part would be the ability to see not only the verbal and physical creative process but also how the games can be developed. This is interesting because you can see what steps we create the game in, how we handle bugs, etc. Perhaps the best part of this experience would be the ability to play the game for free after the game jam! Shower Thoughts promotes the idea of a gamejam because not only does it build very skills such as teamwork, creativity, organization, time management, etc. but it also produces unique types of games. Some of the most fun games to play are the ones who have ridiculous glitches or fundamental flaws. No matter what, it's fun to participate in.

  • Participation: to participate, simply register beforehand (registration will be available on this site), watch our stream during the suggestion announcement, and then host your own live stream for others to watch!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Update: 2/10/2014

Sorry we haven't posted in a while. Just as an official update, progress on the actionscript 3 Magnemaze has begun moving forward again. The team has been temporarily reduced to only two team members, although it is searching for more help. Shower Thoughts is also considering picking up a private game and taking over. Which would make our total project count at 3. So that's the official update, more to come.